Ms. B Vasavi

CSE (Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning)
Faculty Id:
Assistant Professor
Vidwan Id:
Years of Experience:
6.8 Years
Employment Status:
Full Time

Date of Birth:

21 June, 1990

Areas of Specialization :

Software Engineering & Object-Oriented Analysis and Design


PG Degree in CSE, 2014, MRIET, Hyderabad
UG Degree in CSE, 2011, JNTU Hyderabad.

Subjects Taught:

OOPS through Java, Database Management System, Software Engineering, Object-Oriented Analysis and Design, Core Java, Computer Architecture and Digital Design, Design patterns, Software Testing Methodologies Software Project Management.

Papers Published:

  1. Vasavi. B, Resistance Against Monster with Baffle in Wireless ASNS, International Journal of Computer Science And Network, Vol 7, April 2, 2018.
  2. Vasavi. B, A Review on IOT Technology stack, Architecture and its Cloud Applications in Recent Trends, International Conference on Advances in Computing and Communication technologies(ICACCT-19) held at CMR College of Engineering and Technology.

Research Projects Undertaken:
