American Concrete institute(ACI)

When the Indian American Concrete Institute-Vardhaman Chapter was inaugurated on 7 February 2020, the long-cherished dream of opening a student chapter for ACI at Vardhaman College of Engineering was fulfilled. It was followed by the lighting of lamp by Dr. S. Sai Satyanarayana Reddy, Principal, Vardhaman College of Engineering, Dr. Mallikarjun Rao, Head of the Department (Civil), Vardhaman College of Engineering and Rohan (Vice-President, IGS Vardhaman Chapter). The committee members are D. Gowtham Kumar Reddy (President ACI Vardhaman Chapter), Rohan (Vice President, ACI Vardhaman Chapter), T.N. Gayana (Treasurer, ACI Vardhaman Chapter), Saira Fathima (Secretary, IGS Vardhaman Chapter). D. Gowtham Kumar Reddy (President IGS Vardhaman Chapter) gave a talk on the benefits of the student’s chapter and how it bridges the gap between the student community and professional community through local chapters.

The summary of the events organised under the ACI Local chapter has been given below.


Event Name

Number of Participants



Cracking of Concrete and Novel techniques for crack – resistant concrete. (Dr. J. Kalyana Rama, Professor, VBIT, Hyderabad.)




Non – linear dynamic analysis of RC structures. (Dr. P.V. Dilip Kumar, Associate Professor, Mahendra Ecoli Centre, Hyderabad)




Exclusively dealing with Earthquake Design of Structures. ( Dr. Sushilkumar Magade, MIT Pune Maharashtre )




Fire Resistance of Structures, Dr. P. Ravi Prakash, Assistant Professor, IIT Jodhpur




Technical talk on concrete the wonder material



Academic Year: 2020-2021


Event Name

Number of Participants



Cracking of Concrete and Novel techniques for crack – resistant concrete. (Dr. J. Kalyana Rama, Professor, VBIT, Hyderabad.)




Non – linear dynamic analysis of RC structures. (Dr. P.V. Dilip Kumar, Associate Professor, Mahendra Ecoli Centre , Hyderabad)




Exclusively dealing with Earthquake Design of Structures. ( Dr. Sushilkumar Magade, MIT Pune Maharashtre )




Fire Resistance of Structures, Dr. P. Ravi Prakash, Assistant Professor, IIT Jodhpur



i. Cracking of Concrete and Novel techniques for crack – resistant concrete

The Department of Civil Engineering, Vardhaman College of Engineering organized a Guest Lecture on Monday, March 20, 2021 from 2pm-4pm (IST) through online platform and this session was organized to celebrate on occasion of World Water Day. The main objective of this program is to bring practicing engineers to share their ideas and experiences with the students in the field of civil engineering. This program is helpful for the students to understand about effective water management. The guest speaker, Shri. Pravin Kolhe delivered a lecture on topic ‘Challenges in Water Management’. Shri. Pravin Kolhe was explained about various challenges in water management and several case studies. He explained deep knowledge about water scenario, challenges in water management and internal challenges especially in Indian scenario. He discussed about economic water scarcity and its causes, possible solutions. Economic water scarcity by a lack of investment in water infrastructure or insufficient human capacity to satisfy the demand of water in areas where the population cannot afford to use an adequate source of water. The symptoms of economic water scarcity include a lack of infrastructure, with people often having to fetch water from rivers or lakes for domestic and agricultural uses. Although much emphasis is put on improving water sources for drinking and domestic purposes, evidence suggests that much more water is used for other uses such as bathing, laundry, livestock and cleaning than for drinking and cooking alone. This observation suggests that putting too much emphasis on drinking water needs addresses an insignificant part of the problem of water resources and therefore limits the range of solutions available. Several questions came up during the session because of the limited knowledge of students in the practical point of view on effective water management. There were around 200 participants from various institutions who had shown their immense interest on the session and also interacted with the speaker. The queries from participants, which were happily answered and clarified by guest speaker. The VCE II, III and IV B. Tech. civil engineering students, faculty members and other institute participants thoroughly enjoyed the session. The Head of the Department Dr. G. Mallikarjuna Rao, Associate Professor, Department of Civil Engineering, VCE, expressed his special thanks to the guest speaker and Dr. Bogireddy Chandra, Assistant Professor, coordinator of the Guest Lecture, shared his special gratitude and a vote of thanks for the session. The recorded guest lecture can be watched by the following link

Poster of Indo-China Webinar Series

Dr. Yeyuan Xiao Shantou University, China sharing his presentation

Academic Year: 2019-2020

S. No.

Event Name

Event organized by


Technical talk on concrete the wonder material


(i) Technical talk on Concrete the wonder material mostly deployed for modern construction

After the inaugural event, a technical talk on concrete, the wonder material often deployed for modern construction, was held at the same location. Mr. Satish C. Dhupelia, former president of ICACI, was the speaker of the technical discussion.

The dignitaries provided the students with a brief idea of the need for technical skills, subjective knowledge and industrial requirements, and encouraged them to join the interns and make use of the summit’s material.