The Department of Electrical & Electronics Engineering was established in 2002 offering B.Tech and M.Tech programmes. The B.Tech EEE programme has been accredited by the National Board of Accreditation (NBA) under Tier-I category.
The department has very well established laboratories with sophisticated equipment supplementing the academic needs of the students.
The department has Technical Association (ETA)- a student organisation which conducts co-curricular activities such as seminars, quiz programmes, paper contests, Group Discussions, and others under its auspices.
The students are encouraged to present papers and participate in seminars conducted in IITs, NITs and other engineering colleges. Industrial tours are arranged for students to familiarise them with the industry.
The department has IEEE Power and Energy Society Student chapter, IEEE Power Electronics Society, IEEE Industrial Electronics Society Chapter and ISTE student chapter. Numerous academic activities are conducted under the aegis of these chapters.