
Academic Year Name of the Principle Investigator (C0-investigator) Date of Start Duration Title of the Project Funding Agency & date of sanction Total Project Cost (in Lakh) Status Fund Received (in Lakh)
2021-22 Dr. M. Naresh Kumar 4-02-2022 Monitoring and Controlling of Smart Intravenous Cannulation Assisting Device Without Human Intervention SERB (EEOES)
28.95 On-Going
2021-22 Dr. R Sumalatha 15-7-2021 Deep learning Based Approach for Face Mask Detection for Infection Spread Control of Covid-19 IEEE Region10 HAC
500 USD
2021-22 Dr. M.Rajani Devi 15-7-2021 Handheld Smart Health Monitoring System for Covid-19 patients using IOT IEEE Region10 HAC
500 USD
2020-21 Dr. R Sumalatha
Dr. J Krishna Chaitanya
Dr. G A E Satish Kumar
30-3-2021 A Science and Technological Hub for Making of Eco Friendly and Cost Effective Products to Enhance Socio-Economic Status of SC Community in Chevella Region, Telangana State DST
187.68 On-Going
2020-21 Dr. J. Krishna Chaitanya,
Prof. Y. Pandu Rangaiah
08/12/2020 1 Years An Algorithmic Historiographical Approach for Synthesizing Knowledge on Drone Technology in India- A Biblilometric Study DST
23.35 On-Going
2020-21 Prof. S. Rajender,
Mr. M. Nagarjuna
08/12/2020 2 Years Bibliometric Study of Paradigms to Stimulating Research Through University-Industry Partnership in India DST
23.88 On-Going
2019-20 Dr. G A E Satish Kumar March 2020 1 Years Recent Advances in Wireless Communications & Future Challenges AICTE(AQIS) 3.73 Completed 3.73
2019-20 Dr. Renuka Devi,
Dr. R Sumalatha
27/07/2019 2 Years Automatic Pothole Detection and Listing the GPS Location TEQIP-III, JNTUH           22/07/2019 2.5 Completed 2.48
2019-20 Dr. P. Nageswara Rao 06/09/2019 3 Years Margdarshan – Share and Mentor Institutions         AICTE             06/09/2019 22.00 On-Going 11.00
2018-19 Prof. Y. Pandu Rangaiah
Dr. J. Krishna Chaitanya
Dr. P. Sridhar Reddy
29/01/20193 years Design and Development of Low Power-Low Cost Monitoring System for Arrhythmia in Elderly and Young Adults. DST (TIDE)04/09/2018 68.71 On-Going 37.55
2017-18 Dr. J. V. R. RavindraProf. Y. Pandu Rangaiah 13/02/20183 years Design and Development of a Low Cost Foot Therapy Device for Plantar Facilities and Other Foot Problems DST (TIDE)04/10/2017 57.10 Completed 50.00
2017-18 Dr. P. Nageswara Rao 08/09/20172 years MODROBS – Modernization of Microwave Engineering Laboratory AICTE08/09/2017 10.30 Completed 8.24
2016-17 Ms. C. PadminiDr. J.V.R.Ravindra 26/09/20163 years Design and Development  of Differential Power Analysis and Leakage Power Analysis resistant Cryptosystem DST(WOS-A) 29/08/2016 19.95 On-Going 8.35
2015-16 Dr. P. SarahProf. Y. Pandu Rangaiah 23/03/20163 years Development of GO Green Nano Piezoceramics for  knock Sensor instead of toxic Lead based Piezoceramics DST (SERB)14/03/2016 35.32 Completed 33.00
2015-16 Dr. J.V.R. Ravindra 01/04/20163 years Smartening and Monitoring the Environment using Ad-hoc Wireless Sensor Networks for Disaster Survivor Detection (SAMSED) DST (CSRI)22/01/2016 41.58 Completed 31.00
2014-15 Dr. J.V.R. Ravindra 18/12/20153 years To Strengthen Research Facilities in all Sciences departments of the College DST (FIST)21/11/2014 50.00 Completed 24.00
2012-13 Dr. J.V.R. Ravindra 18/03/20133 years Design, Development and Analysis of Routing Algorithms for Wireless Sensor Networks: Applications in Environment Monitoring and Disaster Relief AICTE 3.10 Completed 3.10