
S.No. Room No. Lab Name Area in Sqm Name of the Lab In-charge Supporting Faculty
1. 2001 CAD/CAM LAB 85.5 Mr. S. Naresh Kumar Mr. M. Viswanath
2. 2103 Heat Transfer LAB 76.5 Mr. E. Manoj Kumar Mr. K. Kalyan
3. 2010 Theory of Machines LAB 67.5 Mr. K. Sairam Mr. K. Kalyan
4. 2012 Kinematics & Dynamics LAB 85.5 DD Mr. D.V Ramana Reddt Mr. S Mr. M. Viswanath
5. 2A1A Mechanics of Solids LAB 121.55 Dr. S. Venu Kumar Mr. Chandra Mohan Singh
6. 2A1B Metallurgy LAB 72.93 Dr. S. Venu Kumar M r.    S. Malleshwara    Rao
7. 2B1 MMT LAB 68.4 Ms. K.  ManiKumari Mr. M.M. Yugundher
8. 2A2 Production Technology LAB 157.5 Mr. S.M. Gangadhar Reddy Mr. M.M. Yugundher
9. 2A4 Thermal engineering LAB 189.0 Dr. K. Deepak Mr. M. Krishnaiah
10 2A3 FM & HM LAB 200.55 Mr. V. Sreedhar Mr. S. Malleshwara Rao
11. 2102 Engineering Mechanics LAB Mr. D.V . Ramana Reddy Mr.V.Bhupal
12. 5A3 Engineering Workshop LAB 206.57 Dr.T. Vijaya Babu Mr. Seetha Rama Chandra Murthy