
S. No Room No Lab Name Area in Sqm Name of the Lab In-charge Supporting Faculty
1 5A02 Applied/Engineering Chemistry 97.18 Dr. Jeshma Kovvuri
Dr. A. Kishore Kumar
Mr. M. Ramanna
2 2B4B Applied/Advanced Engineering Chemistry 74.88 Dr. Ramesh Gade
Mr. G. Ravi Kumar
Mr. B. Mahendra
3 5A01 Semiconductor/Engineering
97.18 Dr. Biplab Kr
Ms. G. Sravani
4 5011 Semiconductor/Engineering
96.60 Dr. K Basanth Kumar Mr. K. Raju
5 5005 CAD & Computer 81.62 Dr. T. Vijay Babu Mr. Praveen
6 5006 SCI Lab 81.62 Ms. K. Mamatha Mr. Praveen
7 5007 CP & DS Lab –1 81.62 Dr. M. Y. Babu Mr. Praveen/Mr.
K. Akshay
8 5008 CP & DS Lab –2 81.62 Mr. VNLN Murthy Mr. Praveen/Mr.
K. Akshay
9 5104 ELCS-I 110.24 Ms. P. V. Vinitha Mr. K. Sachin
10 5105 ELCS-II 81.62 Ms. Tarala Deshpande Mr. K. Sachin
11 5106 ELCS 163.24 Dr. V. Parvathi Mr. K. Akshay