‘National Innovation and Start up Policy’


National Innovation and Start up Policy-2019 for faculty and Students of Higher Education Institutions is initiated by MHRD’s Innovation Cell and AICTE. Center for Innovation and Entrepreneurship, CIE Vardhaman College of Engineering adopted the NISP of AICTE AND MHRD to encourage students as well research oriented faculty towards Innovation and Entrepreneurship related activities.

Vision of VCE-NISP

The Vision of NISP is to promote student driven innovations & start-ups and to engage the students and faculty in innovation and start up activities in campus. The policy aims at enabling HEIs to build, streamline and strengthen the innovation and entrepreneurial ecosystem in campus and will be instrumental in leveraging the potential of science, student’s creative problem solving and entrepreneurial mind-set, and promoting a strong intra and inter-institutional partnerships with ecosystem enablers and different stakeholders at regional, national and international level. The entrepreneurial ecosystem in HEIs will play key role in identifying, mentoring, nurturing innovative and entrepreneurial potential of students, faculty and staff and transforming them into start-up entrepreneurs by provided avenues of funding, investment opportunities and networking support to make the innovation and venture successful.

Committee of NISP

Dr. J. V. R. Ravindra,

HOI, Chairman NISP

Dr. J Krishna Chaithanya,

President IIC, Coordinator NISP